Winter Wellness Leicester Warwickshire Nuneaton

Everything You Need To Know About Winter Wellness

Multiple viral epidemics typically peak in the winter. That’s why it’s essential to boost your immunity system to improve your wellness during winter. If you’re 65 or older, you can be at risk for several infections. Maintain your winter wellness and get your necessary vaccinations and treatment in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, or Leicester. Keep reading to find out what you can do to stay healthy and what simple home remedies can help.

How does winter affect your overall wellness?

The body reacts to cold by constricting blood vessels, a process called vasoconstriction. The elderly, in particular, are more susceptible to the adverse health effects of prolonged exposure to cold weather, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, pneumonia, depression, and the worsening of osteoarthritis.

Older people are also susceptible to hypothermia, which occurs when the body’s core temperature drops too low. Experiencing even a little bit of cold for a long time can trigger it.

Therefore, wear layers to keep warm, and be aware of pains in your neck, arms, and legs as warning signs that your body isn’t adapting well to the cold.

How do you stay healthy in winter?

Practice the following remedies to maintain your wellness in winter:

– Visit your nearest clinic in Leicester, Warwickshire, or Nuneaton for a flu vaccination.

– Take antibiotics or use over-the-counter treatment when appropriate.

– Rest to help to feel better and reduce your symptoms.

– It’s best to keep your distance if you contract an infection.

– To maintain proper hydration, drink enough fluids throughout the day.

– Cover your mouth when you cough.

– Put your hands away from your face.

– Clean your hands frequently.

– Sanitise your surroundings regularly, such as a doorknob, toys and commonly used surface areas.

Winter Wellness Leicester Warwickshire Nuneaton

What are the most common winter illnesses?

The following are some of the most typical winter illnesses:


A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, which can affect your nose and throat. Even if it is harmless, it can cause significant distress and usually lasts about 7 to 10 days.

–  Colds typically cause a moderate temperature, stuffy or runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing, and sometimes a mild headache.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

RSV is an infection in the lungs and airways that usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks. RSV can be fatal for infants.

– Symptoms include a high heart rate and wheezing or whistle-like breathing, which might indicate a more serious condition causing hospitalisation.

Influenza (Flu).

Vaccination against the flu virus can shorten the duration of this illness, which typically lasts between 3 and 7 days.

– You’ll have a sore throat, a runny nose, a stuffy head, and a dry cough with fatigue and fever as symptoms.


It’s a lung infection that could be viral or bacterial in origin and typically lasts for around three weeks.

– Symptoms include a high temperature, rapid breathing, chest pain, shivers, and a cough with yellow or green mucus. Rapid onset of symptoms is also possible.

Strep Throat.

It’s an infectious bacterial disease that lasts about a day or two and is easily treated with antibiotics.

– A sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, and abdominal pain are all symptoms. Strep throat is not accompanied by other symptoms such as a cough or a runny nose.

Why do I feel unwell in winter? 

Some people seem more susceptible to catching colds, seasonal allergies, and other respiratory disorders when the weather changes or winter arrives.

Viruses and bacteria have varying temperature preferences, with the cold particularly favourable to some.

In addition, people spend more time inside during the winter, making it easier to spread germs.

Also, your immune system may be more vulnerable due to cold and dry air, leaving you more susceptible to illness.

Therefore, viral infections such as the common cold, influenza, and COVID-19 tend to spread more rapidly in the winter because the body’s defences become weaker when cold air enters the nose and upper airways.

Winter Wellness Leicester Warwickshire Nuneaton

How can I prevent myself from catching a cold/ the flu? 

You’re undoubtedly well aware that the common cold has no known treatment. Medications such as decongestants and cough drops may alleviate some symptoms.

Getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and taking prescription medication may help you feel better sooner.

If taken within 48 hours after the onset of severe flu symptoms, antiviral medicines may help minimise serious complications. You can also get a flu vaccine in advance, so that if you do catch the flu it is likely to be milder.

How can the pharmacy help me with winter wellness in Leicester, Warwickshire & Nuneaton?

We can help you treat colds & the flu

Get the following assistance from a professional pharmacist:

Boost your immunity with the vaccination.

Immunisation is the most effective method of warding off a cold or flu. Getting vaccinated has benefits beyond just preventing illness in yourself. It’s also beneficial for those around you since there’s less risk you’ll catch and spread the flu. It takes around two weeks for the vaccine to boost your immunity, so putting it off until flu season has already begun leaves you susceptible.

Supplement your vaccination with vitamins.

A vitamin D supplement is a cheap way to boost your immune system. Both vitamin A and vitamin D have been linked to improved immunity, alongside Vitamin C and Zinc.

Take antiviral or antibacterial drugs when relevant.

You may rapidly improve your symptoms if you take the appropriate prescription. When you visit us, we’ll be able to assess your symptoms and give you the most effective treatment.

Visit us for help with your winter wellness in The Midlands!

Book a jab or pop in for treatment & advice about your health issues.

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Local Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

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