Winter Wellness Leicester Warwickshire Nuneaton

Everything You Need To Know About Winter Wellness

Multiple viral epidemics typically peak in the winter. That’s why it’s essential to boost your immunity system to improve your wellness during winter. If you’re 65 or older, you can be at risk for several infections. Maintain your winter wellness and get your necessary vaccinations and treatment in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, or Leicester. Keep reading to find out what you can do to stay healthy and what simple home remedies can help.

How does winter affect your overall wellness?

The body reacts to cold by constricting blood vessels, a process called vasoconstriction. The elderly, in particular, are more susceptible to the adverse health effects of prolonged exposure to cold weather, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, pneumonia, depression, and the worsening of osteoarthritis.

Older people are also susceptible to hypothermia, which occurs when the body’s core temperature drops too low. Experiencing even a little bit of cold for a long time can trigger it.

Therefore, wear layers to keep warm, and be aware of pains in your neck, arms, and legs as warning signs that your body isn’t adapting well to the cold.

How do you stay healthy in winter?

Practice the following remedies to maintain your wellness in winter:

– Visit your nearest clinic in Leicester, Warwickshire, or Nuneaton for a flu vaccination.

– Take antibiotics or use over-the-counter treatment when appropriate.

– Rest to help to feel better and reduce your symptoms.

– It’s best to keep your distance if you contract an infection.

– To maintain proper hydration, drink enough fluids throughout the day.

– Cover your mouth when you cough.

– Put your hands away from your face.

– Clean your hands frequently.

– Sanitise your surroundings regularly, such as a doorknob, toys and commonly used surface areas.

Winter Wellness Leicester Warwickshire Nuneaton

What are the most common winter illnesses?

The following are some of the most typical winter illnesses:


A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, which can affect your nose and throat. Even if it is harmless, it can cause significant distress and usually lasts about 7 to 10 days.

–  Colds typically cause a moderate temperature, stuffy or runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing, and sometimes a mild headache.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

RSV is an infection in the lungs and airways that usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks. RSV can be fatal for infants.

– Symptoms include a high heart rate and wheezing or whistle-like breathing, which might indicate a more serious condition causing hospitalisation.

Influenza (Flu).

Vaccination against the flu virus can shorten the duration of this illness, which typically lasts between 3 and 7 days.

– You’ll have a sore throat, a runny nose, a stuffy head, and a dry cough with fatigue and fever as symptoms.


It’s a lung infection that could be viral or bacterial in origin and typically lasts for around three weeks.

– Symptoms include a high temperature, rapid breathing, chest pain, shivers, and a cough with yellow or green mucus. Rapid onset of symptoms is also possible.

Strep Throat.

It’s an infectious bacterial disease that lasts about a day or two and is easily treated with antibiotics.

– A sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, and abdominal pain are all symptoms. Strep throat is not accompanied by other symptoms such as a cough or a runny nose.

Why do I feel unwell in winter? 

Some people seem more susceptible to catching colds, seasonal allergies, and other respiratory disorders when the weather changes or winter arrives.

Viruses and bacteria have varying temperature preferences, with the cold particularly favourable to some.

In addition, people spend more time inside during the winter, making it easier to spread germs.

Also, your immune system may be more vulnerable due to cold and dry air, leaving you more susceptible to illness.

Therefore, viral infections such as the common cold, influenza, and COVID-19 tend to spread more rapidly in the winter because the body’s defences become weaker when cold air enters the nose and upper airways.

Winter Wellness Leicester Warwickshire Nuneaton

How can I prevent myself from catching a cold/ the flu? 

You’re undoubtedly well aware that the common cold has no known treatment. Medications such as decongestants and cough drops may alleviate some symptoms.

Getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and taking prescription medication may help you feel better sooner.

If taken within 48 hours after the onset of severe flu symptoms, antiviral medicines may help minimise serious complications. You can also get a flu vaccine in advance, so that if you do catch the flu it is likely to be milder.

How can the pharmacy help me with winter wellness in Leicester, Warwickshire & Nuneaton?

We can help you treat colds & the flu

Get the following assistance from a professional pharmacist:

Boost your immunity with the vaccination.

Immunisation is the most effective method of warding off a cold or flu. Getting vaccinated has benefits beyond just preventing illness in yourself. It’s also beneficial for those around you since there’s less risk you’ll catch and spread the flu. It takes around two weeks for the vaccine to boost your immunity, so putting it off until flu season has already begun leaves you susceptible.

Supplement your vaccination with vitamins.

A vitamin D supplement is a cheap way to boost your immune system. Both vitamin A and vitamin D have been linked to improved immunity, alongside Vitamin C and Zinc.

Take antiviral or antibacterial drugs when relevant.

You may rapidly improve your symptoms if you take the appropriate prescription. When you visit us, we’ll be able to assess your symptoms and give you the most effective treatment.

Visit us for help with your winter wellness in The Midlands!

Book a jab or pop in for treatment & advice about your health issues.

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Local Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

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As part of an effort to improve public health, “Stoptober” encourages smokers to give up their nicotine addiction for the entire month of October. You can stop smoking based on the NHS guide within 28 smoke-free days. According to studies, if you can refrain from smoking for 28 days, you have a fivefold better chance of never picking up the habit again.

As a stepping stone towards quitting smoking for good, one of the primary goals of Stoptober is to encourage a nationwide collective effort to abstain from smoking for the entirety of the month of October, which is 28 days.

stop smoking on the NHS + Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Nuneaton

What can you get on the NHS to help you stop smoking?

To aid with quitting smoking and gaining better lung function, download the NHS Quit Smoking app.

The app allows you to:

  • track your progress
  • see how much you’re saving
  • get daily support

If you can make it to 28 days smoke-free, you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good!

How effective is the NHS stop smoking service?

Through the NHS stop smoking service, we can help you out with factual information, appropriate counselling, and expert assistance in your local area.
In most cases, you will be given a choice to have a one-on-one consultation with an expert. However, many areas, like Warwickshire, Leicestershire, and Nuneaton, also provide access to drop-in programmes.

Statistics have shown that the first decade of NHS anti-smoking programmes in England has been highly effective. Almost 54.7% of people successfully quit smoking. It is still considered to be amongst the best services the NHS has provided over the past decade.

What can your pharmacist do to help you quit?

Your pharmacist can help you with identifying your needs, developing a tailored strategy to assist you in quitting smoking, and addressing any worries you may have regarding the procedure.

The following are ways in which pharmacists may facilitate your efforts to stop smoking:

  • Different smoking cessation medications (both prescription and non-prescription choices)
  • Managing nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • Dealing with slips and relapses
  • Coping with stress
  • General strategies to help you stop smoking based on the NHS guide
  • Finding other support networks and resources to help you quit smoking

stop smoking on the NHS + Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Nuneaton

What is included in the stop smoking session through the NHS?

Initial screening will involve a breath test for carbon monoxide, a dangerous byproduct accumulation in your body from cigarette smoke. You may also get the option of several treatments to stop smoking, including:

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
  • Medication therapy such as Bupropion (Zyban)
  • E-cigarettes
  • Counselling sessions

If you are unable to attend physically, you may be able to participate in sessions through phone or video calls.

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Local Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.



Book yourself in for an NHS flu jab in Leicester to avoid catching a cold this winter.

Influenza is a viral infection that mainly targets the respiratory system and manifests as a cold-like illness.

The flu vaccine effectively prevents infection with the most common strains of influenza, but getting sick with the virus is still possible.

However, vaccination reduces the severity and duration of flu symptoms.

Is the flu jab in Leicester free in 2022?

The flu vaccine is the safest way to protect yourself against the illness.

It’s also possible that flu vaccination will prevent you from passing the germs to those who are more vulnerable.

It may take between 10 to 14 days for the flu vaccine to start working.

People aged 50 years old or older (including those who will be 50 years old by the end of March 2023) are eligible to receive a free flu vaccine from the NHS beginning in the middle of October.

This is done in order to prioritise the administration of vaccinations to high-risk populations.

However, you don’t need to wait until the middle of October to book your NHS flu jab in Leicester if:

  • You’re 50 years old or above
  • You have a long-term medical condition that exposes you to the possibility of contracting the flu.

Book Flu Jab NHS Leicester

What is the price of a flu vaccine in Leicester?

If you don’t meet the free NHS flu vaccine eligibility criteria, you can still get the jab.

At The Local Pharmacy, we offer you a private vaccine against the flu in Leicester.

This applies to those who are under the age of 50 as well as those who are above this age range.

Unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for flu jabs because of specific health conditions.

You may find out in-depth information on influenza and eligibility criteria as per the national health immunisation programme here.

Can students book the NHS flu jab in Leicester? 

Influenza (flu) is an acute respiratory viral infection that can spread quickly through communities.

Even those who only experience moderate symptoms or none are at risk of spreading the disease.

Students need to get the flu vaccination to stop the illness from circulating to their fellow students and family members.

The peak season for the disease in the UK lasts eight to ten weeks and occurs during the winter.

Autumn or the beginning of winter is the ideal time for vaccination against the influenza virus so you can build up immunity before it begins to disseminate widely. But you can receive your immunisation later too.

Book Flu Jab NHS Leicester

Can students get the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at the same time?

The flu is uncomfortable for everyone, but it can be hazardous and even life-threatening for certain people, especially those with specific health concerns.

If you’re not vaccinated for COVID-19 and influenza, receiving both vaccinations at the same time is not only allowed but also perfectly safe.

Additionally, you may also be qualified to receive booster doses of the Covid vaccination, depending on your current vaccination status.

Where to get the flu vaccine in Leicester? 

The NHS flu vaccine is available through your GP or a registered pharmacy.

If you have had a flu shot privately and want this information added to your NHS record, you can let your primary care physician know about it.

In Leicester, The Local Pharmacy is here to help you stay safe this winter. Get in touch to book your appointment.

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Local Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

If you’re looking for a free prescription delivery service near you, you have landed in the right place.

The Local Pharmacy will do its best to assist you with your routine prescriptions. You no longer need to visit a pharmacy to get your medications. By making a single phone call or filling out a simple and brief form, our pharmacy staff will assist you in getting your medicines delivered to your door.

We strive to provide you with the most efficient medication management. It includes free medicine delivery near your area as well as a dosage monitoring system. In addition, packaging, a dosage monitoring system, and documentation for your frequent checkups are also provided.

How does our prescription delivery service work?

Our service is highly efficient and straightforward for our clients.

  • The application process for prescription delivery must be done before you start using the service. It involves filling out a form in which you choose us as your preferred dispensary and providing your contact information.
  • Then, you must contact your primary care physician’s office and seek a prescription while informing them of your preferred pharmacy.
  • When we have your doctor’s prescription and your general information, we can arrange for the timely delivery of your medications.

Can my prescription be delivered to my house?

No one always wants to waste time collecting their prescription, going to the pharmacy, and paying for it on a daily basis in their hectic schedules. It can be inconvenient to visit the pharmacy weekly or monthly basis to obtain your medications.

In light of this, The Local Pharmacy has implemented a new delivery service to assist you. Using our proficient courier service, you may have your prescription medications delivered directly to your doorstep.

You can take advantage of our free prescription delivery service at any time.

Who is eligible to use this prescription delivery service?

The medication management service at The Local Pharmacy is second to none. The prescription delivery service, which is now available to all users, is another cornerstone of this service.

In addition to that, we provide complimentary delivery services to a substantial portion of our customers who are on a limited budget. Get in touch with our team if you think you fall under this condition as soon as possible.

Free Prescription Delivery Near Me Leicester

How long does the delivery of my prescription take?

There is no specified timeframe for medicine delivery. However, you may request your ideal dates, and our team will be as accommodating as possible.

In the meantime, the pharmacy makes every effort to deliver approved orders within four to five business days.

There may be a delay in service, however, if this is the first time we’ve processed your prescription.

How much will the delivery of my prescription cost?

Similar to the timeline, we cannot guarantee a particular cost for each prescription. You would need to contact our pharmacy customer service for more information in this case.

If a customer requests a quick service, the Local Pharmacy will deliver the medication as requested; however, this service may come at an additional cost.

Also, you are still liable for the regular payment of your prescription medication.

Free Prescription Delivery Near Me Leicester

How can I receive free prescription delivery near me?

Once your doctor approves it, your medicine will be delivered to you at the location you select. Not only this, but we also provide an automated reminder service to ensure that you never miss a dosage.

For all of its customers, The Local Pharmacy optimises the process of managing their prescriptions. Our friendly team provides first-rate treatment.

We have eliminated the possibility of missing a medication delivery. Register yourself today to take advantage of this amazing service and place your order online.

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Local Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

Do you need help with medication management near you in Leicester? Monitored Dosage Systems are intended to make your medication management more accessible. Let us make sure you never miss your meds again, with a visual reminder of whether the doses have been taken. Keep reading to get your convenient aid for dosage management today.

What does Medication Management include?

The medication management system helps you manage your medicines, authorised through the local joint commission. 

All the medical staff involved in medication management are registered.

A patient’s usual GP will then receive documents highlighting what actions have been taken relating to any medication.

Hospital discharge paperwork can be analysed in terms of medication management to reveal any inconsistencies between medications. For instance, a pharmacist will flag any changes to a patient’s medication if they are not present on their paperwork.

Who is responsible for Medication Management in Leicester?

The team for medication management consists of your pharmacists, who oversee repeat prescription administration and medicines management.

The team also provides urgent care support.

The medication involved in the management framework is inspected on a monthly basis through an optimisation forum.

Regular feedback is required from the pharmacists to ensure the safety of the patients and the functionality of the medication management program.

How can a pharmacist help me take my meds on time?

A personalised service a pharmacist gives to improve a patient’s health is called a “pharmaceutical care plan”.

Pharmaceutical care is a team effort between the pharmacist and the doctor to promote the patient’s health.

Your pharmacist can:

  • Prepare your medication dosage system (MDS) packs on a weekly basis to include only current medications
  • With regular refills, the pharmacist can closely monitor your medication usage
  • Deliver the medicines through their licensed platform to avoid any errors in the treatment’s safety
  • Protect the medication in convenient weekly or monthly packs to help you never forget to take your medicine
  • Provide you with individualised services to help improve your quality of life.

medication management near me in Leicester

How can I keep track of all my repeats in Leicester?

You can keep track of your medicines by using weekly blister packs.

Each “weekly blister pack” is divided into seven sections for each day of the week. On the top of each section, the days are listed.

Each compartment contains medications that must be taken at a specified time. As a result, weekly packs are an excellent at-a-glance visual tool for determining whether you’ve taken your medicines.

Another advantage of using these packs is that they limit the amount of unwanted medication packaging in your home. Furthermore, you would not have to collect each medication at separate times. As a result, you will save not only time but also a lot of effort.

Moreover, MDS packs provide a monitoring system for patients’ medication adherence levels.

Who could benefit from a medication management system?

  • Those who take large quantities of different medications.
  • Patients who find it hard to remember what to take and when to take it.
  • Individuals with restricted use of their hands, for example, those with arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, or M.S.
  • People with complex medicine regimes who have to take different medications on different days.
  • Those who are partially sighted.

Where can I get medication management near me in Leicester?

Medication management can aid patients in crisis or manage conditions in the long term.

At the Local Pharmacy, we’ll help you manage your meds in a way that’s right for you. 

Our primary goal is always to keep our patient’s health and safety in mind. Get in touch to get your blister packs today:

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Local Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.